Sunday, January 30, 2011

Hot Topic

The latest topic seems to be the gender of our babies. This seems to be the 2nd question everyone asks. (First is when are they due?)
I am amazed by the reaction of people when we tell them "It's a surprise" It seems as though everyone finds out the sex of their baby these days. Where has the excitement and surprise gone..
Even if we could find out we never would, maybe I am old fashioned in my thinking but to me this is half of the excitement of the babies being born.
One of our dear friends has started a calcutta for the gender and birth weights of our babies - This is hilarious and I suppose we better come up with a good prize. I suggested a nights baby sitting would be a fitting reward for guessing right.

So I have added a poll to our blog (Thanks CC for the link)
Please vote!!!!


  1. Hello Candice,
    welcome to 32 weeks!
    It's funny isn't it, at first everyone said we were having two boys and now it is a boy & girl. Nearly everyone around us has had boys, so no second hand girl things.
    So, here's to two Aussies in India in early March :),
    with much affection,
    your IP Twins,
    Cc & John

  2. I just voted for a boy and a girl. One of each makes sure I get at least one guess right! :)
