Tuesday, December 4, 2012

14 weeks

I forgot how quickly the weeks can fly by (although when a scan is due the days seem soo long)
Having a toddler in the house means no spare time to sit and stare at computer screen and will emails to come through!!!
We have received our 13 week scan and all is on track with the twins.

Fetus Number
C. R. L. in mms
NT in mms
Gest. Age
12 weeks 6 day
12 weeks 4 day

Now for the best bit. We received some amazing photos from the scan and I have to share :)


Monday, October 22, 2012

8 Weeks Pregnant today

Time to fill in the gaps and write a complete update.

Alot has happened in the last 2 months and we are very excited to be expecting again. Now to the scary part..........we are expecting twins!!!!!

Our first scan done at 6 weeks 6 days details were as follows and everything was on track. Our next scan will be around 9 weeks.

Fetus Number
C. R. L. in mms
G. S. Diameter
Gest. Age
FHR in bpms
20.8 mms
6 weeks 3 days
19.6 mms
6 weeks 5 days

We have been very blessed to fall pregnant on our first attempt again. I know it is still early days yet but we are remaining positive about the future members of our family.
We are feeling anxious about the twin pregnancy as we are all too aware of the complications that can occur. We are just praying and hoping for an event free "easy" pregnancy for our SM.

Corion once again have been great and we have a new wonderful Surrogate Mother (Things didn't work out time wise with Mack's SM) She has a beautiful kind face and we look forward to meeting her when we travel to India for baby pick up.
We are also very excited to be returning to India. It is a magical place that has given us soo much and we can't wait to spend some time with the wonderful people that make India what it is.

On a different news front there is alot happening at the moment affecting Australian parents pursueing surrogacy in India. Stay focused and have hope that all will be sorted and things will work out in the end. We are strong resilient people who can handle what is thrown at us!!!!!

P.s. I also have a teething 19 month old toddler who thinks she rules the house at the moment. Hoping my chilled out and happy little lady will emerge again soon :)



Thursday, October 4, 2012


Who noticed the new ticker on the right hand side of the screen???

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Life and Times of Miss Mack

Looking at my blog I can clearly see how slack I have been. Couldn't believe the latest photos were of Mackenzie at 5 months. So here is a little photo gallery to catch everyone up.......little emotional tear.

In Daddys Ute

Chilling out in the garden - 7 months

First Camping trip

Best Seat in the place

First Christmas

The smile that melts my heart everyday

1st Birthday party

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Back on the Surrogacy Train....stopping all stations

Its official, the decision has been made and we are planning a sibling for our beautiful daughter.
We had always thought a 2 year age gap would be perfect however did not realise how quickly this would come around.
Mackenzie is now 16 months old and the most adorable little girl. I have to stop myself calling her a baby all the time because she is an active toddler now.
We really are ready to welcome another baby into the family and think Mackenzie will make the best big sister ever.

Our Surrogate has been confirmed and the most amazing part is she was Mackenzies surrogate. We already have soo much love and gratitude to Mrs K and she is willing to do this again for us. How will we ever be able to repay such a blessing.

This time around it will be a FET cycle as we were lucky enough to have 8 frozen embies from our first cycle. I still feel confident about this as the results using FET with donor eggs are quite good.
Thought I would be feeling less stressed and excited this time but all those old feelings have come straight back to the surface....arhhhhh can I survive this again?

I promise to post some photos af Mackenzie very soon, too many downloads this month and internet is on go slow mode!

Best of luck to all and I look forward to sharing this journey with you all.

Candice xx